The wheel of the year has turned already and Mother Nature is stretching beneath our feet. Seeds are stirring and the sap is rising. Time to ignite your light people!

In other news I'm going to name and shame myself for I am a complete clutter monster. I was running late(r than usual) this morning and on getting out of the cab remembered that I had to renew my train pass. Trouble was that my bank card had fallen out of my purse (Cath Kidston no less, natch!!) and into the depths of hell that is my work bag. The train was due in 3 minutes and train ticket man had already input the transaction on to his machine thingie. You know that feeling when you're getting hotter and hotter and you're chucking things out of your bag like a cartoon dog digging a hole, apologising profusely to the ticket man who is giving his colleague the side-eye in boredom and amusement. My lunch bowl was balanced precariously on the side just waiting for an opportune moment to take a flying leap on to the floor and spray rice everywhere and the announcement was being made over the tannoy that the train was approaching the platform when with a flourish I found the bloody card. Thank gawd for contactless transactions I say. I made the train with about 20 seconds to spare. When I got to work I was suitably embarrassed (having had another semi-meltdown trying to find my work pass half an hour later) enough to clear out my bag. Just look at it. Receipts, old train tickets, empty packets. I should be ashamed of myself. And I am. And I will be sure to learn this life lesson, for a while at least - until the bag of doom manifests itself again!!
Lots of love
Bridget Jones
Imbolc blessings to you too. The painting is Persephone Awakening by Zabini. Somebody else put it up on FB that's how I know!