Happy belated Valentine’s Day to all you lovely people - have a big, squishy, heart shaped hug!
Walking through Colmore Row this morning on my way to work, I noticed that all the trees had been swathed in red cloaks; I thought, mistakenly that this was some kind of gimmick for 14 February but on closer inspection it was to do with welcoming the Chinese New Year on the 16th. T'will be The Year of the Dog apparently and mucho celebrating and Lion Dancing will ensue around the area. Typical then that I have booked Friday off work and won't see it. Epic blogging failure!
Trees look nice and warm though don't they?! It was flippin' Baltic this morning so I'm sure said trees were very glad of the extra layer
Every so often St Phillips Cathedral attaches some words of wisdom to the benches around Cathedral Square by way of laminated so called "benchmarks" and these either contain quotations or more ecumenical offerings. I liked this one cos it’s simple and to the point but still makes you think.
Personally I think to this very day there are a whole lotta very bold people out there still eating oysters. I wouldn’t put one near my mouth never mind in it. And I don’t say that very often. Cough.
In other news, man scored loads of favest hubby points with a beautiful bouquet of orange blooms. I’ve given up telling him not to buy me flowers for valentines cos he never listens so I’ll just enjoy being a princess instead!
There was a dearth of pancakes in this house this week. I was far too pale and wan to be doing such energetic things as tossing pancakes, or anything else for that matter. For I am poorly bad. I have lurgy. In fact I’ve had lurgy now for about four weeks and I’m ever so slightly brassed off with it. It went away for about three whole days but then came back with a vengeance and brought with it aching eyeballs and a cough which is a hybrid combination of a barking whistle. Has to be heard to be believed as I’m sure my colleagues will confirm. At least they’ll have some respite from it tomorrow. And I may have some strength back.
Pancakes for breakfast anyone?!
Glad your new husband treated youx