For I have been awarded a Liebster blogging award by the very lovely J of fame! Thank you very much my dear.
I shall attempt to do what I'm supposed to but hey - this is me we're talking about and its bound to go horribly wrong!
So I think I have this right....
Link back to the blog that nominated you so that the wondrous world of blogging can expand its readership. (Think I've managed that above).
Post a photo or badge of the Liebster Award.
Um...hang on..... Ooo! Tadaahhh!!
Answer ten questions posed by who nominated you - ooh ok - hang on then - here we go:--
1. Tea or coffee? Coffee. Skinny decaff mocha by choice if you're offering!
2. Bath or shower? Shower. Bish. Bash. Bosh. Quick and easy. (we don't have a shower and its the bane of my life!)
3. Book or Kindle? Two years ago I'd say book. Was HORRIFIED by the thought of books being replaced by reading devices. What sort of witchcraft was that? However Lovely Man bought me one as a surprise birthday pressie and I've loved it ever since. I shall never stop reading actual books tho - but the Kindle is handy for travel and for internet access too.
4. Real or fake Christmas tree? Real. As long as they're rooted. I'd rather have a fake one if they're unrooted.
5. Christmas or Yule? Yule. Proud Pagan am I!
6. Starter or pudding? Starter. Garlic everything with artisan bread and balsamic. Yum!
7. Cup or mug? MUG!! There's nary more than a tooth full in one of those cup thingies!
8. Favourite flower? Hyacinth for scent. Daffodillies for cheeryupness.
9. Up to the table or couch dinner? We always eat lap-dinners but I do like a meal at the table whenever I can prise everyone away from the telly
10. If you had the chance to go back in time, when would you choose and why? I'm struggling with this one as I'm not one for looking back and can't think of why I'd want to. I shall say 1977 cos I LOVED that era - but I'd like to be about 18 years old and not ten!
Ooh I quite enjoyed doing that.
I'm now supposed to nominate another five blogs but I won't do that because I know some peeps are a bit anti - so I shall merely post links to some of my very favourite blogs which I never miss reading, even if I don't comment much.
I shall post ten new questions for anyone to play along that would like to.
1. Weight Watchers or Slimming World?
2. Chocolate: Milk or Dark?
3. Prosecco: Overrated, overpriced fizz or new favourite tipple?
4. Gerard Butler or Tom Hardy? (Swoon - I couldn't choose!)
5. New James Bond: Idris Elba or Tom Hiddleston?
6. Holidaying abroad or in the UK?
7. Farm shop or Supermarket?
8. Europe: Are you an Inny or an Outty?!
9. Favourite month?
10. Favourite outfit?
Going for a lie down in a darkened room now!
See you soon!