Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Frugal (ish) Pigs in Blankets

My lot absolutely love pigs in blankets (for the uninitiated - cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon) - a traditional accompaniment to Christmas dinner.

For some reason, they always seem to be ridiculously expensive.  The cheapest tray I found on Saturday was in Aldi in the chiller section - at £1.99 for what was, in effect, 12 diddly sausages with a scant bit of bacon clinging on for dear life but guaranteed to shrink away to lardon size once cooked.  Well to be honest - I wasn't feeling the love!   A little further up the chiller were a couple of packs of sausages which had been reduced to around 40p for 12 and a pack of streaky bacon for £1.29.

Bit of a no brainer really.

Here they are, prepared, wrapped, adorned lovingly with sage leaves and frozen down ready for C-word lunch (and probably C-word supper too as there will be plenty of leftovers,) and far more economical than the ready prepared ones. 


Working from home

I've taken a precious day of annual leave today.  I've really struggled this week with feeling so yuk and I needed the restorative ...